SH2-5 (Sharpless 5 )

This bright and fairly good sized nebula images nicely without a hydrogen-alpha filter, but you should use a red as the luminance since it will do much better than a clear filter. There is not much green and blue to speak of here. Using the H-Alpha as a luminance will bring out the rich structure, but you need to take a lot of RGB to get good color balance since the H-Alpha will be so strong. Did not try an OIII filter on this one, but should work out. If you have a larger telescope with a smaller field of view, there seems to be nice structure near the brightest part of it. This is most likely where any OIII filter ought to pick this up if you try it. Sh2-5 sits in the middle of SH2-11 so with a wide field setup, you can easily capture both. This image was processed really to show SH2-5 so I did not process much with the surrounding nebula of SH2-11.

For a complete list of the Sharpless Catalog visit my main site at

Images by Dean Salman